Our Research

Social Engagement and Activity Lab

The Social Cognition lab facilitates primarily observational and quantitative research in order to find realistic interventions for those who experience difficulties in academia, from self-sabotage to identity based disparities. Our goal is to help the community from the inside out, seeking answers for those who have struggled.
Our lab values diversity and understanding in every step of the research process.
Please visit our graduate students page for more details on areas of study.
Calen’s work makes use of observational research in order to study the ways in which emotion leads to self-defeating behavior. With a focus on procrastination, he uses digital data and big data techniques in order to analyze real world work patterns in the classroom. By getting to the root of procrastination, he hopes to create foundations for real world applications to help future students succeed in academic endeavors.

Ashley’s work studies how emotion and personality are related to productivity and academic achievement. She is particularly interested in how anxiety influences that process leading up to procrastination. Ashley also studies why individuals may respond to anxiety with different work behaviors, and her goal is for this research to better inform the public and interventions targeted at reducing procrastination behaviors. She also strives to study the unique experiences of diverse populations.
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